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Freelance ShowCaller / AEA Stage Manager / Educator / Author 

Business Theatre & Performative Arts

I am a professional AEA Production Stage Manager with over 30 years of experience and more than 100 fully produced stage productions under my belt. I also work as a freelance showcaller for the event and business theatre industries. Starting in 2002, I have called over 300 event productions that include everything from one-night gala fundraisers to product launches, sales meetings, award events, and more.

In addition to stage managing, I production manage and I teach. I am Head of the BFA Stage Management program at

Michigan State University. I helped to create and launch this program in the fall of 2017.  Go Green!

I also co-authored the book 'Supporting Staged Intimacy' with Alexis Black. Scroll down for more info.

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My first corporate show was with Erin Brockovich back in 2002. Before this gig, I had no experience with corporate theatre, business theatre, or what was commonly referred to as 'industrials'. After 12 years of working in regional theatre, I was just learning about this hidden world, and I loved it. The fast pace, the high-level talent that I saw not just on stage, but also in every technical position. The crews with whom I was working were the A-Team. They could solve a dilemma in no time and were level-headed and cool the entire time. I was in awe and inspired. Such talent, such speed, and such high expectations from the client. It was exhilarating to show call these events, and after over 20 years, I still feel the same energy. Now I get to share these experiences with my students at Michigan State University. My stage management students get to step into this world that it took me 12 yrs to find. It is a privilege to be able to share this exciting industry with them. 

Be sure to check my Experience tab for more details on my

commercial, nonprofit, academic theatre work

and to view or download my resume or cv.







In 2019 Alexis Black and I began working together, she as intimacy director and movement specialist, me as manager and advocate. This partnership expanded to include workshops and now a new book on Supporting Staged Intimacy.  Check out more below...

Supporting Staged Intimacy

A Practical Guide for Theatre Creatives, Managers, and Crew

by Alexis Black & Tina M Newhauser

Published by Routledge Taylor & Francis Group / Fall 2022

*Estimated release date November 2022

I am dedicated to supporting everyone during the creative process and building an inclusive, consensual, and brave rehearsal space, a space where everyone feels welcome.  This work is what drives me as an educator and is a major part of the curriculum within the BFA Stage Management program at MSU.  This passion for empowering others also led to creating and teaching workshops for Intimacy Directors & Coordinators (IDC) and eventually to this book on how to support staged intimacy.

(Check out the tab labeled 'book' for more information on this project and the workshops & courses that I offer. )   

Tina M Newhauser       /       917-868-6287

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